Title A Study on Improvement of Implementation Documents using DSM(Design Structure Matrix)
Authors Ahn, Hye-Kyun ; Ham, Nam-Hyuk ; Kim, Ju-Hyung ; Kim, Jae-Jun
Page pp.173-181
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Building Information Modeling ; Design Structure Matrix ; Level of Information
Abstract Currently, BIM is utilized in a number of projects. However, issues are being raised in that BIM models written in the designing level are not able to be used at the construction level. This study draws out the problems of BIM at the final designing level based on the analysis of the correlation between the designing tasks at the final designing level and the BIM tasks at the construction level through DSM. Measures for improvement were drawn out through FGI, and DSM analysis was carried out following assumptions on the improvement measures. The improvement measures proposed through this study will contribute in the vitalization of BIM-based tasks and therefore seamless workings in the final designing and construction levels.