Title A Study on the Correlation between View and Planning Factors in Apartment Housing
Authors Oh, Seung-Hoon ; KimYoung-Ha
Page pp.225-234
ISSN 12269093
Keywords View ; Open Rate Sight ; Correlation ; Planning Factors
Abstract This study has analyzed the openness rate sight for what improves the view and introduces the standard openness index in layout plans for the improvement in views from interior to exterior in the high-rise apartment housing. Apartment housing as a village in the city needs the feeling of open with various outdoor space. As the needs of differentiated residential environment increase, the condition of view of the residential environment of housing unit seems evaluating the economic value of the housing unit. The preference in general prefers not only considering the southern aspect layout, but also the view that enables the opportunity to see the landscapes in the layout plans. So, this study has analyzed the openness rate sight for what improves the view and introduces the standard openness index in layout plans for the improvement in views from interior to exterior in the high-rise apartment housing. In addition to correlation between view and planning factors in apartment housing.