Title A Study on the Form-Based Design Guidelines for Hillside Landscape Renewal
Authors Son, Chang-Hee ; JangHan-Doo
Page pp.235-246
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Urban Landscape Renewal ; Hillside Neighborhoods ; Design Guidelines ; Form-Based Codes ; Residential Satisfaction ; Site Planning ; Residential Environment Evaluation ; Evaluation Methodology
Abstract The purpose of this study is to find out the influence of environmental attributes on residential satisfaction in hillside neighborhoods and to suggest the structure and items of design guidelines for hillside landscape improvement. This study classified evaluation items into objective and subjective aspects, and analyzed the relationship between residential satisfaction and major factors. The findings were as follows. First, among environmental attributes, fence materials and parking area had significant influence on hillside residents' satisfaction. Second, in subjective aspects, view of outside in the house, urban landscape harmony with the surroundings gave large impact on their residential satisfaction. Third, based on research results, the alternative design guidelines of hillside neighborhood were proposed. These results may be useful to plan hillside neighborhoods and houses. Further research is required to improve the design guidelines by drawings and illustrations and to reform regulations for practical designing.