Title A Master Plan for Hanok Maeul and the Improvement of the Constitutional System in Block Type Single Detached Housing District in Newtown
Authors Kwon, Young-Sang
Page pp.247-256
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Hanok Maeul ; Block Type Single Detached Housing ; Design Guidelines ; Site Planning ; New Town
Abstract Recently, there is lots of social and political interest about Hanok(Korean Traditional Housing). This recent interest has some different point in that concentrate on active promotion and practical application as well as conservation and preservation of traditional Hanok and collective Hanok village. However, some recent Hanok town planning, following the existing system used in contemporary town planning is insufficient for presenting traditional spacial structure of Hanok Maeul. So, the aim of this study is to suggest the design alternatives for Hanok Maeul and the remedy for existing constitutional system. The result was as followings : (1) four fields of design principles were elicited by analyzing the traditional Hanok village, (2) four types of design alternatives representing each spatial structure and design strategy, were suggested and analyzed their merits and demerits. (3) the remedy point of constitutional systems of government related designing Hanok Maeul. In the future, the feasibility study, consumer research, another type of Hanok Maeul such as regeneration of Hanok Maeul existing old towns should be followed.