Title An Analysis on the Degree of Residential Satisfaction on the Landscape under the Building's Average-Stories Control Regulation in Case of Seoul
Authors Yang, Dong-Seok ; Lee, Hye-Jin ; Lee, Jea-Sun
Page pp.257-264
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Residential Environmental Attributes ; Residential Satisfaction on the Landscape ; Building's Average-stories Control Regulation
Abstract The building's average-stories control regulation in apartment complex by City of Seoul had been activated for the pursuit of diversifying urban landscape since 2006. There, however, are few research works in views of evaluation on how such regulation works on. To crack down this research question, this paper adopts the degree of satisfaction for residential environments which has been an well-known approach among urban researchers. The purpose of this research is to analyze the degree of satisfaction of residential landscape environment in apartment complex under the building's average-stories control regulation in case of Seoul. Research findings reveals that residents in apartment complex under this regulation are statistically much satisfied with the landscape.