Title A Suggestion on a New Correction Coefficient for SIMULEX Egress Model to Predict Agent's Stair Slope Travel Time in a High-rise Building
Authors Choi, Jun-Ho ; HongWon-Hwa
Page pp.285-292
ISSN 12269093
Keywords High-rise Building ; Evacuation Simulation Modelling ; Vertical Travel Speed(Walking Speed) ; Correction Factor ; Simulex
Abstract This study approaches a new way to determine a correction coefficient for calculation of occupant's vertical travel speed in a high-rise building when a fire protection engineer uses Simulex, one of the most widely used egress model in Korea. It is used to analyse human evacuation behaviours and travel times. In case of a high-rise building fire, occupant's vertical travelling up and down speeds tend to be distributed wider than low-rise buildings due to one's fatigue. It is needless to say that occupant's travel speeds have to be calculated extremely precise, especially evacuee going up through staircases to reach a refuge area located within every 30 floors or top floor. However, most correction coefficients of egress models for calculating occupant's vertical travel speed are usually from one's free walking speed but this can bring about significant errors. To summarise, this study compares occupant's vertical walking speed from a full-scale experiment with a result from Simulex modelling and suggests a new correction coefficient based on free walking speed for predicting the time more accurately.