Title A Thermal Analysis for Estimating Heating Performance of an Radiant Heating Panel Integrated with Access Floor
Authors Choi, So-Won ; Kim, Kwang-Woo ; Yeo, Myoung-Souk ; Park, Sang-Hoon ; Kim, Dong-Woo ; Ahn, Min-Chul
Page pp.301-308
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Radiant Heating Panel Integrated with Access Floor ; Thermal Analysis ; Heating Performance
Abstract The purpose of this study is to propose an 3-dimensional analytical model for analyzing heating performance of the access floor integrated radiant model. Proposed analytical unit model was divided into several control volumes considering material and shape of the panel components, and then thermal resistance network model is applied. The numerical analysis was carried out using finite volume method which satisfies heat balance equation. Proposed method was evaluated its suitability by comparing with the proven 3-dimensional heat transfer program and cooling plate test.