Title A Study on the Compressive Strength Property of Mortar with Fly Ash using Water Eluted from Recycled Coarse Aggregates
Authors Lee, Yu-Jin ; Shin, Sang-Yeop ; Kim, Young-Su
Page pp.89-96
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Recycled Coarse Aggregate ; Eluted Water ; Fly Ash ; Hydration ; Pozzolan Reaction
Abstract The purpose of this study is to investigate the compressive strength properties of mortar with fly ash using water eluted from recycled coarse aggregate. When fly ash come into contact with water, they have not a autonomously chemical reaction. But fly ash is a pozzolan reaction when fly ash come into contact with water and calcium hydroxide(Ca(OH)2 in alkaline environment. For that reason, if water eluted from recycled coarse aggregate use mixture water, fly ash is expected to reaction of pozzolan reaction property in early stage. Therefore we conducted an test of ICP-MS, compressive strength, after the mortar make form water eluted from recycled coarse aggregate. And then it is to investigate the effect of the compressive strength properties of fly ash using water eluted from recycled coarse aggregate. According to the experimentation result, ICP-MS analysis showed water eluted from recycled coarse aggregate has a high alkali-ash value of pH of 12 and over. And mixing ratio 30% fly ash mortar using water eluted from recycled coarse aggregate showed a similar strength of plain mortar due to the pozzolan reaction. Also, poor strength in initial age, disadvantage of mortar using fly ash, can be improved as hydration in early age is expedited due to calcium hydroxide(Ca(OH)2 and unhydrated cement component eluted from recycled aggregate mortar.