Title Determinants of Residents' Satisfaction and Place Attachment in the Process of Street Revitalization Project - Focused on the Case of Apsan Food Street in Daegu -
Authors Hong, Keong-Gu
Page pp.189-197
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Street Revitalization Project ; Residents' Satisfaction ; Place Attachment
Abstract The aim of this paper is to examine the determinants of residents’ satisfaction and place attachment in the Process of Street Revitalization Project. The factor analysis and stepwise regression are employed as the empirical analysis on resident's satisfaction and place attachment through the case of Apsan Food Street, in Daegu metropolitan city. The major findings are as follows; First, they are the most satisfied with pedestrian-friendly road in items of physical plan and less satisfied with most of program items than items of physical plan. they all are satisfied with all of items In resident participation and all role players in the Process of Street Revitalization Project. Second, they are satisfied with all the result of the street revitalization project, especially, change to pedestrian-friendly road and their own community as well as the process of resident participation and the revenue after the project. The last, the influence factors in residents' Satisfaction and Place Attachment are 'Resident Participation Factor', 'Role-Player Factor' And 'Physical Plan Factor' by factor and regression analysis. Going forward, this research will help us better understand these revitalization projects and find new ways to improve resident satisfaction and place attachment.