Title A Study on Detached Housing Area Constructed Along the Side of the Tongil Road in the 1970s
Authors Kim, Myoung-Wook ; ParkCheol-Soo
Page pp.199-210
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Tongil Road ; A Government Employees' Housing ; Tongil-chon(village) ; Hanyang Residence ; the Cold War System
Abstract At the beginning of the 1970s, the world was in the mood for peace. South Korea and North Korea first established diplomatic relationship since the separation. The high officials visited to Pyeongyang and Seoul to attend meetings. The basic argument of this research is based on this hypothesis that these two cities became a stage to propagate each nation’s political idea. The development begun in Samsong-ri, Goyang-gun (currently Jichuk-dong, Deokyang-gu, Goyang city), Gunnae-myun, Paju-gun, and Jingwanyoi-doing, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul(currently ingwanyoi-doing, Eunpyeong-gu, Seoul), which were scrutinized by Rho-dong daily. Due to the importance of visual exposure, all the projects have certain physical relationships with the road. First, the buildings are located on the hill and terraced toward the road, they are either parallel or vertically meet the road to maximize the visibility. Second, detached-houses face the road and have garden in between. There is 1 to 2 meter height difference between the road and the land plots. Third, the type of houses on the sites is single family detached house that is typical in urban area, not the rural area. It was a political measure to develop the three residential sites. The physical features of the villages are protected by law and it helps to form a community where people from a certain class live together.