Title Urban Energy Demand Prediction using EnerISS and Verification with Real Energy Consumption Data for a Cooling Period
Authors Cho, Tae-Geun ; Kim, Hyun-Soo ; Yee, Jurng-Jae
Page pp.243-250
ISSN 12269093
Keywords EnerISS ; Cooling Energy ; Energy Consumption Unit ; UCSS ; Urban Climate
Abstract In this study, Energy Integrated Planning Support System (EnerISS) which is a low-carbon urban energy plan technology was used to predict urban climate and energy consumption for a cooling period. The results of the urban cooling energy demand prediction were verified by a comparison with real energy consumption unit DB of a domestic city in Korea. For urban climate prediction, the temperature was spatially classified into high-temperature areas around public housing and roads where many vehicles move and low-temperature areas adjacent to the sea. The residential facilities comprised approximately 70% of the target research area, therefore, the overall energy consumption pattern showed similar results to the sensible load pattern for residences. The predicted urban energy demand for a cooling period using EnerISS was 0.20%?0.44% lower than the actual energy consumption.