Title A Study on the Development of the gbXML and Web Based Analysis Tool(E-Zero) for the Estimate of Building Energy Needs and CO2 Emissions
Authors Woo, Sae-Jin ; Yoon, Sung-Min ; Choi, Jin-Won
Page pp.251-258
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Building Information Modeling(BIM) ; Building Energy Needs ; CO2 Emissions ; Architectural Design Process
Abstract Since the severity of climate change arose worldwide, in the field of architecture, technologies and policies related with it have been developed in order to find out the salvation of that issue. Especially, development of the design methods of Building Energy Saving and development of the policies and evaluations for reducing CO2 emissions, are the areas considered as more importantly and focused more than any other time. Accordingly, this study is intend to develop the gbXML and Web Based Analysis Tool. It assist architecture designers with deciding the suitable alternative plane by cross-checking architectural alternative plans and with estimating Building Energy Needs and CO2 emissions in design processor. As a result, this paper has developed Web Based Analysis Tool, E-Zero. The Interface of the Tool consists of four parts, Data Manager, Analysis, Result and Help&Contact according as analysis algorithm. It is developed by C# and MS Access. Presently, The Tool is embodied on the Web by registering with a domain, www.e-zero.co.kr.