Title A Study on Their Effects and Gardening Behaviors at Senior Housings with Care Facilities
Authors Kim, Dong-Sook
Page pp.39-48
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Senior Housings with Care Facilities ; Elderly People ; Gardening Behavior ; Gardening Effects
Abstract This study examines and analyzes four different senior housings with care facilities for the current state of gardening behaviors and their effects. The study used surveys and questionnaires, as well as field visits, to examine gardening facilities and gardening behaviors. The study produced the following outcomes: 1) Gardening behaviors and space varied by senior housings with care facilities depending on their actual environment conditions. 2) Most popular gardening behaviors included watching cherry blossoms, strolling to keep close to plants, raising plants and flower pots, and planting. 3) Many used flower gardens for gardening behaviors; in most facilities, only a half of gardening space was barrier-free. 4) The primary benefits of gardening for elderly at senior housings with care facilities are increased feeling of relief, personal contentment and satisfaction, and improved communication and social interaction. 5) Among the four senior housings with care facilities, group home had the best gardening environment and most active gardening behaviors. The study results showed that the gardening space should meet various needs of the residents, and that accommodating gardening as part of daily routine affects its benefits.