Title Response Characteristics of Multi-Story Frame by Estimating Methods for Story Force Distribution in Design
Authors Oh, Sang-Hoon ; JeonJong-Soo
Page pp.27-34
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Higher Vibration Modes ; Shear Coefficient Distribution at Yield Point ; Cumulative Plastic Deformation Ratio
Abstract The story design force relations of domestic and foreign seismic design code generally reflect the influences from higher vibration modes based on the analysis of elastic deformation. However, as the seismic design accepts the plastification of a structure, the story design force distribution shall stay effective on movements occurring after the structure will have been plasticized. Hence this study conducted the response analysis on the design story force distributions of domestic and foreign seismic design code to analyze the distribution characteristics of how a structure is damaged between stories. Consequently, it is shown that the more forces are distributed onto high stories, the lower its concentrativeness is and the more energy is absorbed.