Title A Study on the Form and Appearance of Mixed-Use High-Rise Buildings Including Residential Use
Authors Kim, Jin-A ; Park, Sang-Min ; Kwon, Jong-Wook
Page pp.101-108
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Mixed-Use High-Rise Buildings ; Form and Appearance Building Form
Abstract The purpose of this study is to identify particular use characteristics by surveying and analyzing the form and appearance of high-rise buildings that include residential-use. On the basis of precedential researches, a new criteria are introduced for high-rise building's form and appearance with case studies through element and composition. 27 residential and mixed-sue cases of the 100 tallest buildings in 2012 are analyzed. The results of this study are as follows; · The change of form and appearance in high-rise buildings has been dominated by residential use. · Variousness of form and appearance for Residence-Office is more dominant than that of Residence-Hotel. · Mixed-use Buildings of Residence-Hotel-Office have the most distinct changes in terms of building appearance composition. · The specific aspect of changes in building form is not same with that in building appearance. · Building form and appearance compensate each other for the change of high-rise buildings that include the residential use.