Title The Smart Services of the Hazard Management in the Kitchen for the Elderly
Authors Lim, Hae-Won ; LeeHyun-Soo
Page pp.139-146
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Elderly ; Behavior ; Aging ; Kitchen ; Hazard Management ; Smart Home ; Smart Service
Abstract To continue independent life in the elderly's house, it is important for them to keep a familiar environment. However, safety hazards in the home have constantly increased due to dependence caused by aging of the elderly. Therefore, it is important to ensure safety of the elderly at home. Especially, there are many hazards in the kitchen such as fire, burns, suffocation, laceration, intrusion, gas accident, falls, energy waste, suffocation happened by food, excessive intake of calories/sodium, disease and memory loss. In above regards, this paper deals with hazards and smart services in the kitchen, according to the behavior of the elderly. This paper discusses on how to provide intelligent services to the elderly. This paper has suggested smart services of hazard management in the kitchen by three steps, based on the 12 derived smart services according to hazards: fire/gas accidents, external intrusion, fall/lacerations, health/illness. The smart services includes support fire/gas leak detection service, emergency call service, automatic ventilation service and emergency system service. In conclusion, this study argues that it should be provided according to the preferences of the elderly rather than all services required. Future research is required to develop control methods dealing with the elderly's hazards and specific configuration of sensors and devices required.