Title An Analysis of Plan and Arrangement of Purlins in Sinreuksa Geukrackbojeon - Focused on Change at the Major Repairs -
Authors An, Dai-Whan
Page pp.191-199
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Module System ; Arrangement of Column ; Arrangement of Purlins ; Renovation ; Sinreuksa ; Geukrackjeon
Abstract The purpose of this study was to analyze design prossess of Sinreuksa Geukrackbojeon when that was renovated. There are several renovation of Geukrackbojeon and the different module system might have been used each renovation, according the method and the range of repair and surrounding environment. This study try to classify the origin parts and the repaired part at the renovation through comparing module system and history of renovation, especially floor plan and arrangement of purlins. As the result, the arrangement of outer columns have planed at 1605 by letters which have been written at the bottom of the column. The arrangement of outer columns have kept module system as integral number and have a small average error. But the arrangement of inner high columns, floor frame, altar, girders, purlins do not have followed integral number of module system which have kept the arrangement of outer columns. So this study assumes that the arrangement of inner high columns, floor frame, altar, girders, purlins have planed after 1605(maybe 1797) and when the arrangement of inner high columns have planned, outer columns had kept at the same location and had not pulled down.