Title Shear Strength Evaluation of Steel Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Flexural Members Using ANFIS
Authors Cho, Hae-Chang ; Lee, Deuck-Hang ; Hwang, Jin-Ha ; Ju, Hyun-Jin ; Kim, Kang-Su ; Seo, Soo-Yeon
Page pp.3-11
ISSN 12269107
Keywords ANFIS ; Nuero-Fuzzy ; Shear Strength ; SFRC ; Inference System ; Training
Abstract Steel fiber-reinforced concrete(SFRC) members has improved shear strength compared to typical reinforced concrete members as the steel fibers mixed into concrete improve the tensile performance of concrete. Due to the very complicated shear transfer mechanisms of SFRC members, however, researchers has mostly proposed semi-empirical equations for estimation of shear strength of SFRC members based on test results. In this study, Adaptive Nuero-Fuzzy Inference System(ANFIS) was adopted to evaluate shear strengths of SFRC flexural members. It is known that the ANFIS, which is a knowledge-based model, can provide very accurate analysis results when the reliable and sufficient data are utilized. A total of 172 test data were collected from literature, and used for development of ANFIS shear strength model for SFRC beams, which provided very accurate evaluation of the shear strength of SFRC members.