Title Work Efficiency Analysis of BIM Based Structural Drawing
Authors Lee, Jae-Cheol ; Jung, Jong-Hyun ; Oh, Hyang-Ok
Page pp.21-28
ISSN 12269107
Keywords BIM ; 2D CAD ; Structural Drawing ; Work Efficiency
Abstract BIM supports the many useful functions to develop the AEC industries, such as quantity takeoff and cost estimating, clash detection, schedule simulation, etc. However, the most important factor to determine the practical usefulness is the connectivity for traditional way. In this paper, we analyzed the work efficiency of BIM based structural drawing in terms of drawing workability, graphic expressivity, clash detection and working hours in comparison with those of 2D based structural drawing. And we proposed the division of works between BIM based and 2D based structural drawing for efficient work in field. For this, we investigated the real project as a test bed, that is, 20-floor ground and 1-floor underground scale wall-type apartment comprised of 4-plan type, 5-household. As a results, we found out the difference of expression in case of centerline and wall, and BIM based work requires more working time than 2D based work because it spends time to retouch BIM generated drawing into traditional form and generate initial BIM model itself. To activate BIM in field, it is needed to improve the traditional working environment of structural drawing forms and establish a BIM based drawing standard soon.