Title A Comparative Study on the User Participatory Design Methodology for School Facilities Between England, Germany, Japan and Korea
Authors Lee, Hwa-Ryong ; ChoChang-Hee
Page pp.55-63
ISSN 12269093
Keywords User Participatory Design ; Comparative Study ; Design Methodology ; School Facilities
Abstract The study aims to compare and analyse the user participatory design methodology for school facilities between England, Germany, Japan and Korea. It explores the leading theories and applicable cases concerning user participatory design through a literature survey of existing theses and special books. In order to apply user participatory design methods in actual school construction, the study undertook a comparative analysis of domestic cases as well as foreign cases such as those of the UK, Germany, and Japan. As a result of analyzing the cases of applying user participatory design in school design at home and abroad, it was concluded to be necessary also for Korea to identify user demand for design and to introduce a systematic system for evaluating alternatives such as the design quality indicators of the UK. Also, as in Germany, there is a need for proposing long-term, diverse user participatory design methods in which users participate from design to construction. Finally it concludes to be necessary to utilize user participation design methods as a solution to improve design quality and creating new design approach to a local community as well as simply to school design.