Title A Study of Geographical Planning Between Kunsuri-Temple and Whajee-Temple - According to Comparative Study Between Asuka-Temple and Toura-Temple in Japan -
Authors Kim, Seung-Je
Page pp.73-80
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Baekje ; Mokmanchi ; Soamanchi ; Kunsuri-Temple ; Whajee-Temple ; Asuka-Temple ; Toura-Temple
Abstract A study about buddhist temple landscape construction in Baekje Sabi Period is very few to find. Because, we can find a little information in Samkuk-saki and Samkuk-yusa about buddhist temple Baekje Sabi Period. Therefore, we cannot help depending on the archaeological excavation in Korea. But, very fortunately, according to Japan ancient historial records(like Nihon-seaki etc.), we can find many abundant informations about buddhist temple for Baekje Sabi Period. So, a present writer can built up a hypothesis that buddhist temple landscape construction in Baekje Sabi Period can recompose according to understand Japan`s early records about buddhist temple landscape construction. A aim of this study is to reproduce about buddhist temple landscape construction in Baekje Sabi Period. For a goal of this study, we can find a same systematic quality between Beakje Kunsuri-temple and Japan Asuka-temple.