Title An Analysis on Sphere of Living for Sustainable Community Organizations - Focused on Daily Life in Hillside Areas on Tae Pyeong-Dong Original Part of Seongnam City -
Authors Han, Kyung-Ho ; Han, Ko-Eun ; Lee, Young
Page pp.163-170
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Original Part of Seongnam City ; Daily Living Area ; Sphere of Living at Hillside Areas ; Neighborhood Street ; Public Space
Abstract In recent years, the methods for regenerating deteriorated residence have changed from re-constructions and re-developments to comprehensive management. This means improvement not only the concern of residence area as a settlement but also the perception to the right of residence. Nevertheless, the attention of neighborhood based on walking distance, until now, analysis and study have limits of two dimensional perspective. Because in hill, areas, walking condition must be analyzed according to a gradient with a prudent approach to neighborhood unit. This study is an analysis on city structures in respect to neighborhoods based on re-arrangements neighborhood cohesion scaled infrastructures for the base to regenerate deteriorated residence. In this study, to propose continuity of urban tissue based on daily life and topography, it is analyzed that spatial structures according to a neighborhood of a typical hillside city Seongnam City the first artificial planned city in modern period.