Title The Analysis of the Actual Situation of the Evaluation and Certification System of the Basic Plan Based on the Revision of the Law on Central City Revitalization of Japan
Authors Song, Ki-Baek ; KimYoung-Ha
Page pp.221-228
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Local City ; Activation of the Central City Area ; Basic Plan Certification System ; Follow-Up System
Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze the actual situation of the evaluation and certification system of the basic plan based on the revision of the law on central city revitalization of Japan to draw some lessons for the Korean system. As a result, we can notice various conditions, the first is intensive measures for integration of various urban functions and consideration of people in area that has been selected as a key area. The second is to design together from the initial planning by the various entities. The third is to build data-base used for later diagnostics in various sectors. The fourth is periodic management and evaluation by determining planning period and clear numerical targets and various indicators. The fifth is dealing with the long-term plan.