Title A Study on Daylighting Performance Evaluation for the Green Building Certification and Daylight Prediction According to Design Elements
Authors Kim, Han-Yong ; KimKang-Soo
Page pp.239-246
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Illuminance ; Daysim ; Daylight Factor ; Green Building Certification ; CASBEE ; BREEAM ; Daylighting
Abstract The daylighting plan is required for the improving of visual comfort in the early stage of building construction. The objective of this study is to predict and evaluate the daylighting performance with various parameters of the office building envelop according to the overseas Green Building Certification. The mock-up space is defined that represents a cell type office of 31.6㎡(4m x 7.9m, the ratio of lateral to longitudinal length is 1:2). First, we compared the measured workplane illuminance and the simulated workplane illuminance by Daysim program. Second, we analysed DF and illuminances of the mock-up space by daylighting section of CASBEE and BREEAM. Third, we applied parameters of envelope to the based model (mock-up space) and evaluated the Daylight performance (simulated illuminance and DF) with the Daysim program. As a result, simulated illuminance is smaller than measured illuminance by 10% and it is relatively similar. Workplane illuminance and DF are increased according to the increasing of the window visible transmittance and the window to wall ratio, and they are linearly proportional. We can predict daylighting performance as illuminances and daylight factor, and propose the design guideline according to the assessment area and the ratio of lateral to longitudinal length and of element.