Title A Study on the Electrical Characteristics of Electro Heat-Generation Mortar
Authors Kim, No-Dong ; ParkSang-Joon
Page pp.101-108
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Amorphous Graphite ; Electro Heat-Generation Mortar ; Reproducibility ; Electric Resistance ; Temperature Coefficient
Abstract The aim of this study is to investigate the reproducibility of electro heat-generation that has been the biggest problem of electro heat-generation mortar. At first, electric properties, such as heat-generation, electric resistance, electric current and temperature coefficient, of electro heat-generation mortar mixing amorphous graphite were investigated under various curing conditions. The electric properties of electro heat-generation mortar was secondly investigated under various shapes of specimen. As a result of the study, the maximum temperature of mortar was higher in curing conditions of steam curing and wet curing. In case of Amorphous graphite addition of 50% and at age of 7 days, the maximum temperature of wet-cured and steam-cured specimens were respectively 99.8℃ and 83.1℃, while autoclave-cured and dry-cured specimens showed the maximum temperature of 60.0℃ and 60.9℃. The temperature coefficient of mortar with graphite addition of 50% was showed positive level similar with metals, while the temperature coefficient of mortar with graphite addition of 35% was showed negative level similar with carbon and electrolyte. It is finally analyzed that the mortar specimen with graphite addition of 50%, cross-section area of 9.0㎠ and length of 74cm~158cm is most effective for heat-generation in this study.