Title The Checklist & Manual Development for Safe Dismantling of Asbestos Building Materials
Authors Jeon, Ra-Yi ; Yu, Yong-Sin ; Lee, Chan-Sik
Page pp.117-124
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Asbestos Building Materials ; Asbestos Management ; Checklist ; Manual
Abstract Although the production and use of the asbestos building materials were prohibited, its dangerousness is increasing due to dismantling of the asbestos building materials used in the past. This study aims to develop a checklist for the safe and environmental-friendly removal of the asbestos building materials. In oder to develop a checklist, the researchers identified the 20 major factors that can reduce the risk cased by exposure to asbestos, through reviewing the related the literatures and interviewing a number of experts. A survey was distributed to those who manage asbestos dismantlement at the construction sites. The reliability of the major factors for management was confirmed through a reliability analysis, and four super-ordinate factors were identified through a factor analysis. In order to identify key factors that need attention, the importance degree of each key factor was calculated by using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. The checklist was separated as the category, importance level and the rank of the factors for easy search if necessary, and it also consists of a 'Yes/No tick box' to make it possible to check. To increase the adaptability and usefulness of the checklist, manuals for 20 items were also developed based on the analysis of relevant literature and regulations. The manuals are made in the form of the guidelines and consist of category, legislation and guideline.