Title A Study on the Development Directions of Detail Drawings for Sustainable Architecture
Authors Kim, Hong-Su ; LeeByeong-Ho
Page pp.131-138
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Detail Drawings for Sustainable Architecture ; Building Materials for Sustainable Architecture ; Classification System
Abstract The purpose of this study is to apply component technologies and systems of sustainable architecture to building designs, by establishing a foundation of integrated design for sustainable building with developing the detail drawings. This paper firstly establishes the development directions of detail drawings for sustainable architecture after analyzing existing classification systems and compositions of standard detail drawings and detail drawings for sustainable architecture. Secondly, Classification systems of detail drawings for sustainable architecture should be proposed as a hybrid system consisting of hierarchical systems for categories of detail drawings by location parts, insulation location(external/intermediate/internal), materials and construction methods, regional standards, and parallel systems for categories of detail drawings by jointed parts. Thirdly, Compositions of detail drawings for sustainable architecture should be proposed as comparison of functions, basic material composition according to the legal minimum standards of the heat transmission coefficient, suggestions for the thermal performance of excellent grade level of green building certification system, alternatives for the reduction of environmental impacts, check list for selections of detail drawings or alternatives, environmental impact analysis, charts related to waste, and summarized specifications for sustainable architecture. Finally, it proposes the development process and management system of detail drawings for sustainable architecture.