Title A Study of Establishment and Development Process of China Modern Architectural Education
Authors Jeon, Seong-Ho ; ChoiKeon-Wook
Page pp.159-167
ISSN 12269093
Keywords China ; Architectural Education System ; Education Program ; Course
Abstract Architectural education has a close relationship with the national and regional characteristic, it has been characterized to fit its national or regional characteristic, the systematic training, developed these unique characteristics, set the stage for producing excellent architect. Since 2002 University in Korea is trying to reorganize educational program on international standard as it prepares to become a member nation of WTO. Through the curriculum to fit international standard, the introduction of the teaching methods and the education system with the characteristics of Korea are in desperate need of produce of architect with international competitiveness. The purpose of this paper is to take a look at establishment and development process of China(P.R.C) modern architectural education. Accordingly, this study provide an in-depth analysis for establishment and development process of China(P.R.C) modern architectural education system and objective data to identify time-specific characteristics of China(P.R.C) architectural education system and curriculum practices.