Title A Study on the Recognition and Needs of the Middle-Aged Residents for Elderly Care - Cases of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA and Jinju, Korea -
Authors An, Eun-Hee
Page pp.77-85
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Baby Boomer ; Intention to Move ; Aging in Place ; Elderly Care ; Needs ; Recognition
Abstract This study investigates the attitude and needs of the middle-aged residents for the elderly care in Milwaukee city, Wisconsin, USA and Jinju city, Korea. Survey questionnaire was carried out in both countries. ⑴ Many respondents(63.5%) who live in Jinju city answered they don't have intentions to move to elderly care and they think elderly care impresses them favorably, while many respondents(79.6%) who live in Milwaukee city answered they don't have intentions to move to elderly care and they don't think elderly care impresses them favorably. ⑵ In choosing elderly care, Korean respondents placed order of priority on 'countryside with a good environment(19.1%)', 'economic aspects(14.9%)', 'the level of programs and services(14.6%)', and American respondents placed order of priority on 'economic aspects(23.5%)', 'distance from area in which children live(17.9%)', 'the level of programs and services(14.6%)'.