Title A BIM-Based Architectural Model Takes Advantage of the Estimate Model Process
Authors Yoon, Myoung-Chul
Page pp.95-102
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Estimate Model Process ; Materials Takeoff ; Estimate of BIM ; Design of BIM ; LOD(Level of Detail)
Abstract A BIM-based architectural model, the estimate of the model for persistence of the LOD (Level of Detail) and the model for constructing estimates considering code, was generated by applying the creative model for the building-design process and the BIM-based estimates of the model for the process used to reach it. For this, the design criteria for step-by-step BIM model generation as well as the LOD standards, type properties, and property object types of the structure and re-trim model to generate code information for each object were determined by specifying the architecture, specialist work, element parts, and materials classification standards. In addition, the arithmetic link automatically calculated the amount of results, and the BIM tool compared the parameters to apply the BIM tool extracted from the quantity credibility and procured the breakdown cost by applying the confirmed estimate. The results of this research into the architectural design practice of building-design BIM tools designed by applying the step-by-step building-design model estimate reveal that it is possible, in the step-by-step LOD level design of orders, that the estimate can be used as a standard.