Title A Study on Comparing and Analyzing in Standard Management Rules of Apartment for Rent and Sale by the Management Work Type
Authors Kwon, Myoung-Hee ; KimSun-Joong
Page pp.177-185
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Apartment Standard Management Rules ; Standard Management Rules for Sales Apartment ; Standard Management Rules for Rental Apartment ; Management Work Type
Abstract This study was to propose amendment of apartment management rules as a primary research. The research method were as follows: 1) The analysis framework utilized result of preceding research composed 6 types of management works and 36 items of subcategories by researcher. 2) The standard management rules of rental housing utilized a total of 5 rules which draw up after a revision of Rental Housing Act in 2000. The standard management rules housing for sale utilized a total of 16 rules such as management rules of metropolitan municipality including the city of Incheon and Seoul. 3) The analysis method used content analysis to compare and analyze in standard management rules of apartment for rent and sale by the management work type. Actually, the standard management rules housing for sale utilized a total of 7 rules by uniting identical contents of metropolitan municipality. The results of the analysis were as follows: Overall, apartment management works were central to the maintenance or Operations Management. Therefore, Business administration and the administrative work was a standard management rules was very important in dealing regardless of the sale and rent. In terms of management rules of the Life Management business, the sale apartment was handling better than rental apartment standard management rules in more detail.