Title A Study on the Energy Reduction Effect Using Renewable Energy Through the Analysis of Energy Consumption Structure in the University Buildings
Authors Koo, Bon-Kil ; Hong, Won-Hwa ; Kim, Kang-Min
Page pp.203-210
ISSN 12269093
Keywords University Building ; Energy Consumption Structure ; Renewable Energy
Abstract In the world, the energy consumption tends to be continuously increasing. If such situation is continued, it is obvious that we will encounter a serious crisis which is the energy depletion in the near future. In order to prevent this crisis in advance, it is necessary to put efforts in diversifying energy sources from the existing fossil fuel to renewable energy, and also reducing energy consumption. The total energy consumption of Korea in 2011 was 275.7 million TOE, increased 4.5% compared with the previous year. Considering the consumption structure for each energy consumption sector, the energy consumed in the building sector is more than 20% of the total. Among them, the energy consumption of university building sector is continuously increasing while the energy efficiency per unit area is gradually decreasing. In order for energy reduction of university buildings that accounts for 13.6% of the energy consumption for domestic building sector, this study aims to suggest the application measures of efficient renewable energy source with the same initial investment cost to reduce power consumption which is the main energy source for university buildings, by analyzing the current condition of energy consumption and energy consumption structure for university buildings.