Title Performance Evaluation of EIFS Using Vacuum Insulation Panels for Passive and Zero-Energy Apartment Buildings
Authors Song, Seung-Yeong ; Park, Si-Hyun ; Koo, Bo-Kyoung ; Lim, Jae-Han ; Ryu, Seong-Ryong
Page pp.219-228
ISSN 12269093
Keywords EIFS(Exterior Insulation and Finish System) ; Vacuum Insulation Panels(VIPs) ; Energy Performance ; Construction Cost ; Construction Convenience
Abstract The Korean government has set the goal of "Green Development" as a direction of national growth. For the target goal of Zero-energy House construction in 2025, the government announced that the insulation regulations will become stricter. It has been predicted that high-performance insulation panels, such as vacuum insulation panels(VIPs), should be used to decrease the thickness of the outer walls. The energy performance of a base model of conventional internal insulation system with conventional insulation panel and three alternatives of dry type external insulation system with VIPs were analyzed by three-dimensional heat transfer simulation. Construction cost and convenience of each alternative were compared. As results, outstanding alternatives with VIPs were suggested according to the combinations of weighting factors of energy performance, construction cost and convenience.