Title A Study on Spatial Intercontextuality of Robert Slutzky's Paintings
Authors Lim, Ki-Taek
Page pp.123-130
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Robert Slutzky ; Intercontextuality ; Deconstructivism ; Constructivism ; Neo-platicism
Abstract It is well known that modern abstract painting have influenced so much on architecture, space design, and modeling part directly or indirectly until now. The purpose of this study is to focus on the relationship between Derrida's Deconstructivism thinking and Robert Slutzky's intercontextuality in latter period's abstract paintings. Slutzky has worked as a painter and educator in Cooper Union based on architectural mind. His working tendency in latter period flows to make stress on intersection and interweaving pattern between elements, which is mingled with each other, widening the depth of space in spectator's mind. He emphasized the gap or border in-between subject and object. Derrida's intercontextuality is based on emphasizing the importance of gap or hinge in between to see or manifest the invisible structures or unspeakable things and finally leads to stabilize the whole things. Derridian Intercontexuality works as a structure that reveals and stabilize the invisibles or unspeakables through the in-between action. That is the new virtuality for intercontexuality. That is close to that of perceptional spatial action of intercontextuality of Slutzky paintings.