Title A Study on Realization and Clear Territory of Daegu Kyung Sang Gam Young
Authors Lee, Jin-Hi
Page pp.141-148
ISSN 12269093
Keywords urban core ; centrality ; historicity ; process of realization ; Kyung Sang Gam Young
Abstract In historical cities including Japan and countries in Europe, researches about part of old city have been conducted to combine modernization and existing cities' identity along with new generation's time phases. However, due to the modification on Daegu under Japanese imperialism and development based on Capitalistic economic theory reasoning after emancipation, Daegu's part of old city had lost continuity of form in time that exists in typical historical cities and changed into a city where only modern and contemporary aspects of a metropolitan are emphasized. Taking a closer look at Daegu's historical artifact, Kyung Sang Gam Young Park, one can find the structure lack of maintenance structure although it is located in the city's urban core. Therefore, in this paper, the author seeks to find what it's historical value is and arrange theories about what and how human residents in the current society should add to this existing historical city. In addition, this research reveals the importance of maintenance in Daegu Kyung Sang Gam Young Park by setting a clear territory of the park and planning operations to maintain Kyung Sang Gam Young Park's structures.