Title A Comparative Analysis on the Generation Efficiencies of the Photovoltaic Systems and Building Integrated Photovoltaic Systems
Authors Yang, Hye-Sook ; Park, Hyeon-Soo ; Yoon, Hea-Kyung
Page pp.37-44
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Solar Energy ; Building Integrated Photovoltaic System ; Generation Efficiency ; Building Design Elements
Abstract The purpose of this research is to analyze the generation efficiencies of Photovoltaics and Building Integrated Photovoltaics systems and their expected effects on quantified installation areas, based on a literature review of studies which include either system. Besides those, it is to scrutinize the design elements of the buildings with BIPV systems and to explore the feasibilities for their applications in domestic building design. The literature review includes the studies of generation efficiencies measured in laboratories and by computer simulations for PV modules, which were opaque or semi-transparent. Findings are the generated electricity of both systems almost equals when a PV system is installed in 30 degrees independently and a BIPV system is installed in 90 degrees on the south side walls of a six-story or over building with 2:1 ratio of a south side wall to east or west side wall in areas, although the electricity of BIPV system itself has about 30 percent less generation efficiency than that of PV system. The BIPV system has benefits in the generated electricity 1.95, 3.9, 5.85 times more on the south side walls of a ten-story, of a twenty-story, and of a thirty-story building respectively. The BIPV system is expected to have better facade insulation, cooling and heating loads, double envelop effects, and less lighting load in the aspect of energy efficiency, and to have less electricity loss and construction cost, no separate site needed for the system.