Title A Study on Score Calculation Method for Certification Grade of G-SEED(Korea) & World Green Building Rating Systems
Authors Lee, Sung-Ok ; Cho, Dong-Woo ; Park, Cheol-Yong ; Lee, Sang-Ho
Page pp.283-290
ISSN 12269093
Keywords G-SEED ; Score ratio ; Section Weighting
Abstract The purpose of this study was to compare between G-SEED and BREEAM in credits and to analyze the score calculation method for deciding a certification grade of G-SEED and BREEAM. We were used the score ratio which was meant to divide applying score by total section score and the section weighting were used in analysing the score calculation method. The results of this study were as follows; in case that the score ratio was lower than the section weighting, the final section score was highly estimated in comparison with the origin section score. As a result for solving this problem we proposed the three treatments as follows; (1) to increase the present credit score, (2) to enhance the number of the credit, (3) to change the section weighting