Title Schedule Optimization of PC Production Operation with Mould Rebuilding
Authors Park, Young-Jun ; Son, Chang-Baek ; Lee, Dong-Eun
Page pp.99-106
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Precast concrete ; scheduling ; Rebuilding ; Priority of work ; Process idle time ; Flow-shop sequence
Abstract The steel mould for PC production has a considerable cost effect on Precast Concrete(PC) manufacturing. PC manufacturers change the shapes and/or dimension(i.e., length and height etc) of the mould, which is called as rebuilding, to reduce the production cost. In this way, the manufacturers increase the reusability of moulds if they have a similar cross-section. Because there are various shapes and/or types of PC products(e.g., Beams, Girders, Columns), the priority of PC members production may cause different process idle time and productivity. This paper present an optimization method that 1) identifies the priorities of PC members having different mould types to minimize the process idle time between the members in daily production, and 2) evaluates schedule performance involved in PC production and/or procurement. A case study verifies the effectiveness and validity of the method. This methodology suggests the optimal production duration in PC manufacturing and priority of work. And the schedule optimization has saving of PC production cost.