Title Tectonic Quality Analysis of Martin Rauch's Works Focused on Ecological Characteristics of Earth Architecture
Authors Kim, Soon-Wung ; Cho, Seong-Jin ; Choi, Il
Page pp.159-167
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Martin Rauch ; Tectonic ; Ecological Architecture ; Earth Architecture
Abstract Martin Rauch mainly used earth for sustainable ecological architecture. This study aimed to identify Martin Rauch's ecological characteristics by analyzing his representative works. Martin Rauch's six works well-presenting ecological characteristics were selected, and their tectonic quality was analyzed. Four key elements of tectonic quality were emerged as follows: material, structure, site, and light. For sustainable ecological architecture, Martin Rauch emphasized material and materiality, structural characteristics, correlation between building and context, and structural identity of light through earth architecture. Those demonstrate the representative examples of modernized earth architecture.