Title Three-Dimensional Urban Planning: Double Use Zoning Methods in Japan
Authors Hong, Suk-Ho ; KimSei-Yong
Page pp.209-217
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Three-Dimensional Urban Planning ; Double Use Zoning ; Three-Dimensional Park ; Private Use
Abstract Fast paced urbanization has raised property values and increased populations but provisions of infrastructure have not adequately followed demand. This issue has created a poor and inadequate city center environment. Resulting are ever rapidly increasing property values, scarcity of further infrastructure expansionandotherdifficultiesforrelatedindustries. The current reality is that transport planners do not have standardized methods to maintain a diversity of living space. Especially in light of the dynamic changes occurring in the global economy, the existing working methods are beginning to show their limitations. Japan passed the 'Double Use Road' regulation in 1989, later on the 'Double Use Park' law along with various other laws and regulations regarding the forms of urban space. The application of these regulations towards urban space showed a great degree of flexibility in regards to public and private partnership as these reforms were done in consultation with owner to ensure that the securing of infrastructure went smoothly. This study carried out an inquiry and analysis of the double use zoning designation in urban planning with Japan as its main case study. Relevant laws and regulations were systematically categorized. Additionally, the application of double use zoning was briefly analyzed in its application as a tool for revitalization, which henceforth will prove of vital importance in Korea.