Title Evaluation of Connection Stiffness of Test-bed Hanok Using a 1/4 Scale Two-Storied Model
Authors Kim, Yeong-Min ; LeeSeul-Gi
Page pp.73-80
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Test bed Hanok ; Steel Connection ; Lateral Stiffness ; Static Loading Test
Abstract In this study, the lateral stiffness of the 1/4 scale two-storied model of test-bed Hanok was analyzed according to the vertical loading and target lateral displacement. According to the experiments, lateral stiffness of Hanok was increased as vertical loading increased, but, on the same vertical loading, it decreased as the target lateral displacement increased. We proposed formulas for the relative rotational stiffness of basic connection types of test-bed Hanok reflecting their geometric characteristics, and extracted those stiffness by applying results of static lateral loading experiments to the static analysis model. The extracted relative rotational stiffness were on the range of 0.05 ~ 0.35 according to the basic connection types and these values were verified using impact hammer test and eigenvalue analysis, and we concluded that those values were on the rational range.