Title A Study on the Estimation of Rebar Detection by Electrical Resistivity Method
Authors Lim, Young-Chul
Page pp.105-112
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Rebar Detection ; Electrical Resistivity Method ; Concrete Structures ; Non-destructive Method
Abstract This study aims to estimate the effect rate of surrounding rebar at the apparent resistivity measurements. To this end, the analysis range of Resistivity Estimation Model (REM) is extended from right above the reinforcement to some distant area. Response voltage and apparent resistivity using an improved REM showed that the effect of reinforcing bar was well reflected in a distance area as well as right above the reinforcement. In addition, the apparent resistivity ratio exhibits the effect of surrounding rebar in a quantitative measure. Therefore, this method could be used as a helpful indicator to estimate concrete resistivity and to detect the location of rebar.