Title Evaluating Residents' Experiences in an Apartment Complex using a Green Building Rating System
Authors Oh, Myoung-Won ; Cho, Myung-Eun ; Kim, Mi-Jeong
Page pp.23-32
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Green Building Rating System ; User Experience ; Evaluation ; Apartment Complex
Abstract Various green building rating systems have been proposed, which can be divided into two main directions; i. identifying relevant rating criteria for green building rating systems; ii. assessing the green building rating systems for the validation. Most studies in this area adopt quantitative methods, so there is a lack of qualitative evaluation of users' interaction with green buildings. Our research aims to develop a method for evaluating green building performance emphasizing user experience in buildings. In order to evaluate the proposed method, we conducted a case study which evaluated the performance of a Korea's Green Building Certification Criteria (KGBCC) -certified green apartment. We developed a customized method for visualizing the evaluation effectively and presented the results with a focus on user-oriented factors.