Title The Establishment of Assessment Index for Sustainable Back-to-Farm Cooperative Village
Authors Park, Kyoung-Ok ; LeeSang-Un
Page pp.71-80
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Back-to-Farm Cooperative Village ; Sustainable ; Assessment Index
Abstract The purpose of this study is to establish the assessment index for sustainable back-to-farm cooperative village. The assessment index will be applied as a guideline to plan or to stimulate the cooperative village. The 1st step is to organize the assessment items from the precedent studies, and the 2nd step is to make them confirmed by the professionals by means of on-line questionnaire. The tool was SPSSwin statistical program and its outputs' mean. The final 3rd step is to take consult with professionals on the issues derived from the 2nd stage, and fix assessment index. The results are as follows. 1) The selected grand assessment items are five; living-environmental, social-environmental, managerial-environmental, regional-environmental and economic-environmental assessments. Five grand items have 26 medium assessment items and 76 small assessment items. 2) The questionnaire of professionals ranked the importance of grand assessment items as social-living-economic-managerial-regional environments. The adequacy got more than 3 points, above the mean, in all assessment items by professionals. 3) Managerial-environmental assessment was renamed to maintenance assessment. With professionals' advice, items that are hard to take quantitative measurements or to be seen as characteristics of cooperative village were either deleted or combined together; 26 medium items into 21 items and 78 small items into 52 items.