Title Effects of Composite Floor Slab on Progressive Collapse Resistance of Steel Moment Frames
Authors Kim, Seon-Woong ; Lee, Cheol-Ho ; Lee, Kyung-Koo
Page pp.3-10
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Progressive Collapse ; Composite Floor Slab ; Finite Element Analysis ; Catenary Action ; Simplified Energy Method
Abstract In this paper, a kinematic modeling of the composite floor slabs under the column missing scenario is proposed that can be used for more accurate evaluation of progressive collapse resistance of steel moment frames. To this end, the behavior of double-span composite floor slabs is first investigated using the advanced nonlinear finite element analysis. The functional form of the deformed shape of the double-span floor slab is derived from the numerical analysis and used for analytically modeling the energy absorption contribution of composite floor slabs under the column missing scenario. It is shown that the analytical model proposed in this study can be used in conducting more accurate energy-based progressive collapse analysis of steel moment frames.