Title A Study on Building the Work Environment to Utilize BIM for Domestic Architectural Firms
Authors Kim, Eung-Gil ; Aum, Phil-Hyun ; Kim, In-Han
Page pp.121-128
ISSN 12269093
Keywords BIM ; Architectural Firms ; Work Environment ; BIM Data ; BIM Manager
Abstract A dramatic development of recent technology in the design process has resulted in the transformation of architectural practice. Recently, the development is being accelerated due to the BIM(Building Information Modeling) technology. However, most of the domestic architectural Firms have not yet prepared the work environment transition for BIM operation. In order to solve that problem, in this study the authors have investigated and analysed the work environments utilizing BIM in diverse foreign architectural firms. The purpose of this study is to make suggestions for a desirable work environment and build a test of the work environment based on the research. Our next study will be more detailed analysis on diverse architectural firms and their transformation of the work environment generated by the elements other than BIM.