Title A Study on the Negative Images of Apartment Housing Represented in Korean Films since 1970s
Authors Moon, Guen-Jong
Page pp.147-158
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Apartment ; Negative Image ; 1970s ; Korean Films
Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze the 'Negative Images of Apartments' represented in Korean films since 1970s. It is assumed that films reflect the social and architectural backgrounds as well as the interests of the general public. The term 'image' not only refers to the visual or physical images but also the conscious and subconscious drives and socio-psychological causes that produced those images. Therefore, to investigate the images of apartments is to verify in a socio-cultural manner of how apartments were recognized by the general public and what they meant to them. For the analysis, a pool of artistically and publicly renowned Korean films since 1970s was constructed. Through the scenes and their respective scripts, the characters, acts, and architectural spaces were analyzed. The negative images of loneliness, anonymity, segregation in the 1970s have developed into the critical and cynical images of lack of communication, indifference, misunderstanding, uneasiness and fear. Despite apartments being so common today, they are the scenes of human alienation and it is the films that sensitively catch and express this. Here, we recognize the significance films can have on the architecture field that should be at the center of thinking of the fundamentals of dwelling.