Title Bibliographical Approaches on Themes in Architectural Sociology - Focus on literatures from 1975 to 2011 -
Authors Song, Jong-Eun ; ParkYong-Seo
Page pp.159-166
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Architectural Sociology ; Environmental Sociology ; Architectural Design Thinking ; Social Interaction ; Sociological Imagination
Abstract The paper aims to reveal the implication of the studies of "Architectural Sociology" to the architectural design thinking. Bibliographical research on the themes of architectural sociology is classified into five categories according to the contents of selected literatures (published from 1975 to 2011) : (1)sociological theories and the development of architectural sociology, (2)architect and architectural practices, (3)social interaction in space, (4)sociality of architecture, (5)application of social science to design. Three relationships (architecture-society, human being-architecture, and architectural practice-society) derived from three interpretative areas of architectural sociology are discussed by using upper five categories to explore their meanings on architectural design thinking. The paper concludes that themes of architectural sociology provide the basis of human centered architectural design thinking with understanding of social interaction in architectural practices.