Title Erosion Criteria for the Blast Analysis of Reinforcement Concrete Members
Authors Kim, Han-Soo ; Ahn, Hyo-Seung ; Ahn, Jae-Gyun
Page pp.21-28
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Blast Analysis ; Reinforcement concrete ; Autodyn ; Erosion
Abstract Erosion is fundamentally a numerical technique to overcome the problems such as large numerical errors or abrupt termination of analysis which are associated with the excessive element distortions in finite element analysis. In this paper, erosion was utilized to represent cracks and failures in the reinforced concrete structures subjected to blast or impact loads. The erosion criteria for the realistic blast simulation were suggested by comparing experiment results and numerical analysis results. Instantaneous effective strain of 0.1 was proposed as a reference erosion criteria value to show the closest failure shape to the blast experiments of reinforced concrete beams and slabs.