Title A Study on the Campus Environmental Evaluation According to the Spatial Characteristics as an Environmental Identity
Authors Kim, Ji-Woo ; HaMi-Kyoung
Page pp.3-13
ISSN 12269093
Keywords University Differentiation ; Physical Environment ; Campus ; Evaluation
Abstract Entering 21 century of a knowledge-based society, the importance education has been growing. In particular, the University plays a significant role providing competitive knowledge to the individual as well as increasing national competitiveness to the countries. In Korea, the Universities have been gone through quantitative growth until there are more supply than demand; However, it is time to pursuit qualitative growth Over the past few years, a number of studies about educational programs were conducted, while the physical environment which accommodate the program were overlooked. The purpose of this study is to understand the usage habit and the spatial characteristics of campus environment and to analyze the usage satisfaction. The results of this study are as follows; The campuses surveyed had different size, different land types and different layouts. There were significant difference in satisfaction according to those spatial characteristics. The physical environment was classified into six factors which are outdoor environment, convenient facilities, support facilities, educational facilities, flow planning, and street environment. Among those six, the outdoor environment factor and convenient facility related factor were significantly related to the overall satisfaction. The green area, walkway, and symbol statue were the details of the outdoor environment factor, and the rest and indoor convenient facility were the details of the amenity factor. It was found that 4 campuses, the target of this study, had statistically different satisfaction and importance.